Steve McCurry

 Steve McCurry

By: Amanda Schaeffer

            Steve McCurry has been a photographer that I've looked up to due to his saturation of color and impact you see when viewing his work. I actually used McCurry for one of my history of photography assignments to showcase his talent and his incredible images. Even though McCurry is geared towards displaying the harsh conditions of poorer countries, and I'm more of senior and lifestyle portrait photographer, he still draws inspiration and creativity for me.
            When viewing McCurry's gallery online, he has tons of folders which holds tons of photographs he has taken from different countries. It truly is hard to pick from them, since they are all captivating to the eye. However, I chose the "Power of Two" folder and chose the above image, labeled "Hong Kong, China". This image is powerful in many ways, firstly, the colors. The colors of the women's faces stand out expediently with the bright white face paint and the red paint around their eyes and cheeks. Even both of their lipstick are popping in that cherry red color. The colors on their faces really draws the viewer in and makes sure you see the focal point of the photo. The outfit and nails are even bright in red which makes the picture even pop out more. Although, I really wish that the girl was wearing something else then blue, since it does blend into the background and isn't popping as much as the woman in front. However, McCurry can't really change that due to him just taking photographs around China. Also, I love how he has a shallow depth of field, it makes the photograph really crisp and clean since both women are in focus. I would have liked the girl in the back to be more in focus and less shadow on her. The shadows do make the photo look dramatic and professional, but I feel like it eats away the girl in the back due to her clothing blending in. Even though that's my critique about his work, I still find this photo to be breathtaking and beautifully captured.
            The work Steve McCurry has done leaves viewers in awe and astonished for what creativity he puts in his photographs. I already knew coming into this assignment that it would be tricky picking a photo and critiquing it due to McCurry always having excellent photos, such as the "Afghan Girl". He is a well known photographer and has excellent visuals in his images. It's always good to refresh my memory and see how talented McCurry is with the work he does.


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