John Dugdale

 John Dugdale

By: Amanda Schaeffer

(wouldn't let me copy/paste the image)

            John Dugdale is one of the photographers that did something different with their cyanotype. He incorporated portraits of people instead of using flowers, leaves, or anything else that people usually use for their cyanotype. I love how he takes photos of people and then using a transparent negative to expose the paper to it. It makes the details of the people to pop out more. Even though I wouldn't incorporate nudes into my own cyanotypes, he makes nudes elegant and meaningful. 
            In the above image, I chose this cyanotype since it's the least nude and is shot from the waist up. As I've been seeing, Dugdale likes to capture nude people with their partner, showing their whole body standing up, or having the same nude person in the photo as a shadow of themselves (double exposure). I love how he incorporates different poses, stances, and techniques for each of his cyanotypes. The above image expresses sadness when looking at it. The women is looking down on the flowers as a feeling of a loss of a loved one. Most of his cyanotypes captures that feeling, the viewers feel empathy and loneliness when he does a double exposure of a shadow.
            Overall, I believe John Dugdale makes inspiring cyanotypes by capturing portraits. His sharpness of the photos really makes the images pop and makes the photo look professional. It seems like he has even lighting which makes his portraits look even more professional. He also places people at different angles or with different poses. Dugdale captures the raw and realistic of a human body. John Dugdale is incredible to step out of the box and do something a little more unique and creative.


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